Monday, February 29, 2016

8051 JC Instruction

Jump if Carry is set

InstructionJC relative address
FunctionJump if Carry is set
Encoding0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 A7...A0
OperationPC = PC + 2
IF C = 1
PC = PC + relative address
DescriptionIf the carry flag is set, JC branches to the address indicated; otherwise, it proceeds with the next instruction. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed relative-displacement in the second instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC twice. No flags are affected.
Flags AffectedC AC F0 RS1 RS0 OV P
ExampleThe carry flag is cleared. The following instruction sequence,
sets the carry and causes program execution to continue at the instruction identified by the label LABEL2.
Bytes: Number of bytes required to encode the instruction.
Cycles: Number of instruction cycles required to execute the instruction. Note that there are 12 oscillator cycles to one instruction cycle on a standard 8051.
Encoding: Lists the byte encoding for the instruction.
Operation: Lists, step-by-step, the operations performed by the instruction.
Flags Affected: are highlighted in Bold

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List of topics: 8051

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