Sunday, February 28, 2016

8051 Program Branching Instructions

Program Branching Operations

  • A, Acc: Accumulator
  • B: B special function register
  • C: Carry flag in PSW
  • Rn: Register R7-R0 of the currently selected Register Bank.
  • dir: 8-bit internal data location’s address. This could be an Internal Data RAM location (0-127) or a SFR [i.e., I/O port, control register, status register, etc. (128-255)]. Direct Addressing Mode.
  • @Ri : 8-bit internal data RAM location (0-255) addressed indirectly through register R1or R0. Indirect Addressing Mode.
  • #data: 8-bit constant included in instruction. Immediate Addressing Mode.
  • #data 16: 16-bit constant included in instruction. Immediate Addressing Mode.
  • addr 16: 16-bit destination address. Used by LCALL and LJMP. A branch can be anywhere within the 64K byte Program Memory address space. Long Addressing Mode.
  • addr 11: 11-bit destination address. Used by ACALL and AJMP. The branch will be within the same 2K byte page of program memory as the first byte of the following instruction. Absolute Addressing Mode.
  • rel: Signed (two’s complement) 8-bit offset byte. Used by SJMP and all conditional jumps. Range is -128 to +127 bytes relative to first byte of the following instruction. Relative Addressing Mode.
  • bit: Direct Addressed bit in Internal Data RAM or Special Function Register
  • 1B: 1 byte
    2B: 2 byte
    3B: 3 byte
    1C: 1 cycle
    2C: 2 cycles
    4C: 4 cycles
    P: oscillator Period
ACALLaddr11Absolute Subroutine Call
LCALLaddr16Long Subroutine Call
RETReturn from Subroutine
RETIReturn from interrupt
AJMPaddr11Absolute Jump
LJMPaddr16Long Jump
SJMPrelShort Jump (relative addr)
JMP@A+DPTRJump indirect relative to the DPTR
JZrelJump if Accumulator is Zero
JNZrelJump if Accumulator is Not Zero
CJNEA,direct,relCompare direct byte to Acc and Jump if Not Equal
CJNEA,#data,relCompare immediate to Acc and Jump if Not Equal
CJNERn,#data,relCompare immediate to register and Jump if Not Equal
CJNE@Ri,#data,relCompare immediate to indirect and Jump if Not Equal
DJNZRn,relDecrement register and Jump if Not Zero
DJNZdirect,relDecrement direct byte and Jump if Not Zero
NOPNo operation

LJMP (long jump) causes the program to branch to a destination address defined by the 16-bit operand in the jump instruction. Because a 16-bit address is used the instruction can cause a jump to any location within the 64KByte program space (216 = 64K).
LJMP LABEL_X ; Jump to the specified label
LJMP 0F200h ; Jump to address 0F200h
LJMP @A+DPTR ; Jump to address which is the sum of DPTR and Reg. A

SJMP (short jump) uses a singe byte address. This address is a signed 8-bit number and allows the program to branch to a distance –128 bytes back from the current PC address or +127 bytes forward from the current PC address.

AJMP allows a jump with a 2KByte address boundary (a 2K page)

Most 8051 jump instructions use an 8-bit destination address, based on relative addressing, i.e. addressing within the range –128 to +127 bytes.
JZ LABEL_1 ; Jump to LABEL_1 if accumulator is equal to zero
JNZ LABEL_X ; Jump to LABEL_X if accumulator is not equal to zero
JNC LABEL_Y ; Jump to LABEL_Y if the carry flag is not set
DJNZ R2, LABEL ; Decrement R2 and jump to LABEL if the resulting value of R2 is not zero.
CJNE R1, #55h , LABEL_2 ; Compare the magnitude of R1 and the number 55h and jump to LABEL_2 if the magnitudes are not equal.

LCALL instruction is used to call a subroutine at a specified address. The address is 16 bits long so the call can be made to any location within the 64KByte memory space.

ACALL instruction is logically similar to the LCALL but has a limited address range similar to the AJMP instruction.

The return from subroutine is achieved using the RET instruction.

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