Monday, May 30, 2016

8051 Program - decrement dptr

; Description:
; Decrement DPTR. CY == 1 If Underflow
; Entry Requirements:
; DPTR Has Value To Decrement
; On Exit:
; DPTR = DPTR - 1, CY Set Accordingly
; Affected:
; Stack:
; 1 Bytes, Not Including Space Used By Called Routines
; Comments:
; None
push acc ; Save Acc
clr c ; Clear For SUBB
mov a,dpl ; Move Low Of DPTR To A
subb a,#1 ; Subtract 1
mov dpl,a ; Store Back
mov a,dph ; Get High Of DPTR
subb a,#0 ; Subtract CY If Set
mov dph,a ; Move Back
pop acc ; Recover Acc
ret ; Return To Caller

Source: Assorted Utilities, John C. Wren 11/23/96

; another approach
XCH A,DPL ;Exchange A for DPL
DEC A; Decrement A (which is DPL)
CJNE A,#0FFh,_dec_dptr2; If A (DPL) is not #0FFh, continue normally
DEC DPH; If A=FFh, we need to decrement DPH
_dec_dptr2:XCH A,DPL; Exchange A for DPL (thus saving DPL and restoring A)

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